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M&A for Plastic Surgery
& Medical Spas

Pacifica Advisors Is a Leading M&A Advisor in the Aesthetic Market Working with Dentists, Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists and Ophthalmologists to maximize value in selling their businesses.

We maintain long-term relationships with Management Services Organizations (MSOs) backed by private equity firms that have a mission to grow in the aesthetic market through add-on acquisitions. We run a competitive process to align the business owner's interest with the MSO. Our advisory team understands to complexity of the aesthetic marketplace and can uniquely craft an exit strategy that maximizes marketability and value.

Our cosmetic surgery experience.

Already having served multiple cosmetic surgeons, we know this is a fruitful industry sector. We assert that market trends are pointing to a prosperous future. Conveniently located in San Diego, CA, we are here to support the growing demand of the aesthetic medical service industry. 

Your Benefit

Every business owner needs an exit plan. We believe in the lower middle market platform strategy. Here, you sell for cash up front and also receive equity in the acquiring company. This allows you to receive another payment later, at a higher evaluation. High growth in the aesthetic market and current fragmentation make this a very viable solution.

We educate, evaluate, and negotiate for you.

M&A is notoriously difficult, so we have made it easy for you. Having advised many buyers, we know how to bargain for you. We also help advise proper pre-sale and post-sale tax planning. Most importantly, we help you close properly, timely, and gainfully.

We help you find the deal that suits you. 

Our expansive network of potential acquirers allows you to choose the right deal. Growing market demand, through an aging population and increasing non-invasive procedures, is currently in your favor as a seller. Acting in your best interest through a success-only fee model, we help you structure the best deal on your terms.


1. Partner Buy-In


Little to no cash up front. Buyer uses part of income to pay you back over the years. High risk exposure due to inexperience and a single point of failure.

2. Buy-Out from Independent Practitioner

Little to no cash up front. Buyer uses part of income to pay you back over the years. High risk exposure due to inexperience and a single point of failure.

3. Management Services Organization

Mostly cash up front and the rest is paid in equity shares in the acquiring business. Low-medium risk in acquiring illiquid company equity to be sold at a later date.

EBITDA Multiple*                  Revenue                Enterprise Value

3-4x (Solo Doctor)

5-7x (Small Group)

7-10x  (Large Group)

3  to 10M

10 to 25M


1.8 to 8.0M

10.0 to 35.0M


* Based on 20% EBITDA margins. Benchmarks for discussion purposes only. Practices with less than $3 million in Revenue are not marketable.  EBITDA multiples increase with revenue due to reduced concentration risk and improved efficiencies.


Nicolas Biancamano

Nic Biancamano Photo

Nicolas is an expert in acquisitions & dispositions, with over $1.2 billion in transacted deals. He co-founded PBA with the objective of streamlining the transactional process of lower middle market business sales, from evaluation and deal preparation to identifying suitable buyers and structuring a successful deal.


Mr. Biancamano also serves as Chief Investment Officer at Pacifica Enterprises, a middle market alternative investment management firm. He is an adjunct professor in finance at the University of San Diego. He holds a B.Sc. in Business from HEC Montréal and a M.Sc. in Real Estate from the University of San Diego.

About Pacifica Advisors

Pacifica Advisors is a mergers and acquisitions advisory firm with offices in California, Texas and Mexico City. Our mission is straight forward: to maximize the value of your business. Pacifica Advisors supports small- and medium-size companies with Enterprise Value ranging from $5 to $150 million. Our extensive operational and transactional expertise adds value by understanding industry dynamics, benchmarking your company’s performance, identifying improvement and growth opportunities, and carefully targeting suitable acquirers, investors and lenders.

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