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Welcome to
Pacifica Advisors

Serving California’s major cities and beyond, from Los Angeles to San Francisco, and San Diego to Fresno, and all the way to Anaheim.

¿Do you want to know what is the best option for your business?

Our Services

Sell-Side Representation

Our team understands the intricacies of selling your business. We’ll find the right buyer for you through different strategies tailored to your specific company and negotiate the best deal for you.

Buy-Side Representation

In the other hand, if you are buying your first business or aggressively growing, our team will assist you with research, underwriting, and due diligence to ensure the success of your business endeavors.

Business Valuation

The business valuation starts with a detailed performance analysis that reviews accounting, finances, operations, and perceptual metrics of both historical performances and growth strategy.

Capital Markets

Nothing is more important to the success of your business than having cash on hand. Our team will guide you step by step through the difference financing options available based on your situation and needs.

Recent transactions

Was acquired by

DEI Logo

Los Angeles, California.

AST Logo
EH&A Logo

Was acquired by

MGT Logo

San Diego, California.

Same Day Logo

Was acquired by

San Diego, California.

HighGround Logo
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We understand the unique market dynamics

and opportunities of California.


Let us help you build a personalized strategy for your business.

¿Do you want to know what is the best option for your business?

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